Going Global


Going Global

We take part in the International Student Barometer (ISB) survey which tracks and compares the experience of international students with an academic institution from application to graduation. In the last survey, students from 196 academic institutions across the globe, including 42 from the UK, took part. At The University of Stirling, we’re committed to providing as warm and supportive a welcome as we can to our international students. That’s why we’re delighted that the ISB survey ranked us first in Scotland for the welcome we provide to our international students.

We have used the invaluable information from the ISB survey to identify where we are getting things right and take action where there is room for improvement. Our unique, beautiful campus was ranked first in the UK for the environment it provides. However, some issues around the quality and cost of accommodation were identified and the University now has an improvement action plan to address them.

For more: see the information on the right-hand side.